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Sunday Schedule: Live online service at 9:00 am (via Zoom), in-person service at 10:30 am
Photo of Joyce Bagiraneza at the International Luncheon

On Sunday, October 8, 2023, Joyce Bagiraneza, from International Ministries, spoke to our congregation and delivered her message during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. After the service, our congregation enjoyed a wonderful international-themed luncheon, followed by an excellent and informative presentation from Joyce highlighting many projects sponsored by International Ministries.

The international-themed luncheon was very successful and we enjoyed a variety of delicious dishes representing many countries. As the saying goes, it takes a village to pull things together, and we extend our thanks to everyone who contributed their culinary specialties this year.

A tip of the chef’s toque to our luncheon committee of Joy Brown, Sandra Weissgerber and Carol Claypoole, who helped set-up and decorate the Scott Room and brought the dishes to the kitchen; to our neighbor Steve McLaughlin who set up the tables and chairs for us; and to Beth Hoover, who coordinated the ‘menu’ of dishes contributed for the lunch.

A special ‘Hats Off’ to Barb Twiss, who arranged for us to host Joyce for this year’s Mission Sunday; and to Karen Vadner, who ably stepped in to serve as worship leader when Pastor David was away. Their efforts are most appreciated.

Lynda Mansfield, Mission Chair

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